3 Short-term Goals for Table Age Games

There’s an old adage that says, “If you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time.” Do you have that coworker, family member or friend who just seems to be drifting through life? What are you aiming at? I’ve always been a goal oriented, structured and transparent person, which is why I want to share some of my targets with you.
These targets, or “end game” objectives, are providing the focus and direction I need to keep going. No matter what you’re doing in your life right now, I highly recommend you figure out what your end game objectives are. Whether you are organizing a charity event, being an awesome mom, building a community of friends, a dream that is yet unrealized, etc. Don't drift through life. Aim at something!
When creating goals I always make them S.M.A.R.T. goals. Yes, I know that’s cheesy, but acronyms help me remember. S.M.A.R.T. stands for Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic and Time-bound. Check out this post from Michael Hyatt for more info on goals.
Here are 3 short-term goals for Table Age Games (TAG):
1) Have 200 likes on Facebook by December 31, 2015.
I am hoping to build a community of people who are excited about reclaiming relationships around the table. I would love for this community to be interactive, idea sharing and encouraging.
2) Sell over 100 copies of Box Office Blowout by December 31, 2015.
I believe that this game will provide fun and engaging experiences for people. I hope to share the fun and encourage community around the table. If you're interested in helping me reach my goal you can pre-order here.
3) Post at least 1 blog post every week.
My desire with the blog is to share my thoughts on games, life, reclaiming relationships, game design, reviews of various games, and recapturing the Table Age. Check out my post on why Table Age exists.
Share one of your upcoming goals below in the comments. Let’s hold each other accountable. You can stay connected with TAG by subscribing to our awesome eNewsletter.