Jocelyn's Top 3 Games

I thought it would be cool to share my 8-year-old’s current top three board games and why she likes them. As you read Jocelyn's list keep in mind that she is a daughter of someone who loves board games. I also didn’t prompt her in any way. Here you go:
Jocelyn loves this game. She asks to play it almost every night, and when I asked her why she likes it she said, “Because I get to go against you and I like Star Wars.” Jocelyn would rather play games where she gets to try her own strategy and beat me. I really enjoy this game too, and it even made my top 10 games list. However, if you’re looking for a cool Star Wars game that your younger kids can play together, this is definitely not it. If you were going to learn the rules, which there are a lot of them, and then play with your kids that could work. Regardless though, the miniatures are awesome, the game play is fun, Jocelyn gets to beat me (I play as the Imperials) and it’s Star Wars!
This is a game I designed that incorporates 10 Family Values. There are 7 different games in the box. I’ve been playing these games with Jocelyn for over 4 years. It’s so awesome to see her grasping the different values and living them out. When I asked her why this made her list, she said, “It helps me learn about God.” After you play a game, you pick a value and ask a question about that value. Go here if you would like to learn more about the game. If you are in Northern Colorado and would like to buy a copy, you can contact me. Or you can have it shipped to you.
#3 Terror In Meeple City (a.k.a. Rampage)
In this game you build a city on the game board, then you spend the next 20-30 minutes destroying it with your monsters! Each monster gets an ability, a super secret ability and a personality card that gives you another way to score points. On your turn you can move your monster by flicking a disk, drop your monster on a building to destroy it, literally blow buildings over and flick buses across the board. It’s really fun! Jocelyn said, “I like the part where I flick the bus at you and your monster flies off the board.” Then she laughed. Great game, check it out.
Thanks for reading. You can also check out the other games I’ve designed by clicking here.