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8 Reasons To Pre-Order Box Office Blowout

There are really 75,201 reasons to pre-order Box Office Blowout, but I thought I’d narrow it down to my top 8. Let me know which one is your favorite in the comments below.

1) You’re Tired Of Screens

This is what Table Age Games is all about. I want to provide games and other resources to help you reclaim relationships around the table. Give your screens a break. Grab a game and start playing.

2) You Love Movies

In Box Office Blowout you are a movie production company, so you are in charge of making and releasing your movies! If you love movies, see if you can guess the satirized movies, actors, actresses and directors. Beware! Chunk Norad wants to star in your movie!

3) You Want To Discover What Makes It Tick

Box Office Blowout allows you to customize your strategy. You can go for the Awards, crank out B movies, go for big blockbuster movies, or some mix in between.

4) Its Different Than Any Other Game You’ve Played

First of all, you get to make movies! That’s pretty cool. You also roll dice and spend those dice purchase the cards you need to make your movie. Another cool thing about the dice is that they serve two purposes. The numbers on the dice are used when you release your movie to see how much money the movie made.

5) You Can’t Wait To Play Critics On Your Mom’s Movie, I Mean Your Friend’s

Is one player (your mom) always running away with the win? Well, let her know what you really think of her movie with a Critic Card. Actually, be nice to your mom. Play the Critic on your friend instead. Play the good Critics on your movies to give them a boost. Oh yeah!

6) To Unlock Rewards #ilovefreestuff

You love getting free stuff. Who doesn’t? The more pre-orders there are the more free cards for Box Office Blowout everyone gets! Check out the pre-order page to see the potential rewards.

7) To Help Launch Table Age Games

I need help getting Table Age Games off the ground and every pre-order helps with this endeavor. The money I make through Box Office Blowout will help cover website costs, art for this game and future games, and hopefully some marketing. Thanks for your support!

8) Board Games Are Awesome!

You straight up love board games because they’re awesome! And Box Office Blowout is awesome! And you are awesome! That’s one big awesome package. What are you going to do with all that awesomeness?

Time to power down and play games. Go grab a game, gather your friends and get the Table Age revolution going. Stay connected through our awesome newsletter and pre-order Box Office Blowout today!

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