My Top 10 Games (part 1)

Every once in a while someone will ask me about my favorite games, so I thought I’d take a moment and share my current Top 10 games and why they have a place on my list. Here are numbers 10 through 5. I’ll post my top 5 next week.
Zombicide is one of the most played games in my collection, because of the easy rule set, awesome miniatures and cool theme. In Zombicide, you and up to 5 others take on the role of survivors in a zombie apocalypse and you’re trying to survive, gear up and complete objectives in order to win. If you’re looking for a blinged out cooperative game, this is good one.
Star Wars: Imperial Assault is on this list primarily because Jocelyn, my 8 year old, got Star Wars fever and wanted to play a game where she could be the Rebels and take down the Imperial scum. This is tactical miniatures campaign game, which we are both really enjoying. Don’t be fooled by the awesome art and highly detailed miniatures, there are a ton of rules, which I have read and re-read. But once you get the rules, the game and story are a blast. I hope to do a post about our experience in the near future.
Above and Below is a storytelling worker placement game. The combination of the storytelling and strategy in this game is why it made it to this list. The game literally comes with a book of stories and has beautiful art.
Robinson Crusoe weaves a lot of my favorite elements in a board game together, storytelling, worker placement and cooperation. It is also the most difficult cooperative game in my collection. What’s cooler than you and a couple of friends figuring out how you’re going to survive on island?
Mage Knight is an adventure, exploration, hand management and deck building game. Throughout the game you level up and upgrade your character through slaying monsters, training at the monastery, burning down the monastery, influencing other soldiers to follow you, fulfilling quests, raiding castles, conquering keeps and wizard towers. You have so many options about how you change your character. The only deterrent from the game is the amount of rules; however, there are some great how to play videos for Mage Knight. This is also one of the best games you can play solo.
Check back next week to see my current top 5 games. Barista Battle and Our Family Values are in production and should arrive by the end of February! Go here if you would like to order one or both of these games.